Thorner Family Origins

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Thorner Family, Chshunstovsky *** חשאןסטאווסקי *** OR ***חשאן סטאווסקי
probably from Brzeźno, Lipno County, Plock Gubernia, Poland

Paul Thorner's family from Lipno and Kikol

Brzeźno, Lipno County, Poland near center at teardrop. It is a village about 6 miles from Lipno. (click on map)
Coordinates approx.: 52.874555, 19.049929

Thorner Family 1

August 18, 1903 Manifest for my great grandfather Gedalia Chrzastowski and family. Hebrew. Brzezno

Colchester, CT, Farming Community

March 23, 1902 Meyer Chrzastowski (Gedalia's son) depart Hamburg. Residence: Bobrownik [14.3 km from Brzezno]

Thorner Family 2

December 18-27, 1911 Paul Thorner's grandfather Abraham Thorner
Manifest Rotterdam to NYC: Last Residence:Kikol; Brother or Mother D Thorner, Wroclawek, Wloclawek

Thorner Family 3

Aug 4, 1913 ship Rotterdam : Arrival NYC from RotterdamLeib/Louis Chrzonstowsky Thorner (who settled in Chatham, NJ).
Nearest relative in old country: Brother Michal Thorner in Lipno, Plock region

Where going: to Uncle Gedalia Thorner in Brooklyn

Place of Birth: ( Brzesne doesn't seem to exist) or Brzezno

Family 1 and Family 2 are Chshunstovskys and the relationship has been demonstrated by Y-DNA tests (identical).
Family 3 may be Chshunstovsky or may be Toronchik, related to Uncle Gedalia's wife Glicke

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European Borders 1000-year History of Changes (video, slower pace)

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